Sunday, May 31, 2009

Clarificatoins on Newar Autonomous Region

It is nice to know that the Newars in the Kathmandu Valley are organizing a strike to demand Newar Autonomous Region, better late than never.

After the restoration of democracy of 1990, the Khas Bahuns have been enjoying the state facilities and turning politics into a dirty game of corrupt people. Now, time has come that they should be sidelined, at least from politics of Kathmandu Valley.

Kathmandu Valley had been a developed, cultured and civilized city long before King Prithvi Narayan Shah took over it in 1768. It was the region he wanted to acquire it and become king of this state of hardworking people. Now, after Shahs and Ranas, came Khas Bahun to enjoy this city. Step by step, they undermined contribution of the Newars and made earned money through corruption. Those good-for-nothing people entered politics and now they have earned in 20 years than we Newars have earned in 2000 years. What could give them if not corruption? Look at some leaders like Khum Bahadur Khadka, Govind Raj Joshi, Sher Bhahadur Deuba, Girija Prasad Koirala, Sujata Koirala. Have you heard of their professions? And see how much money they have?

On the other hand, the same Bahun-oriented political system turned this sacred valley into a city of immigrants. Till so-called unification, Kathmandu Valley was purely of the Newars (see the reminiscence of what they had created to beautify the city in those days). It was okay even during the Rana perod. And bad days stated after the end of Rana rule, in 1951, as Toni Hegan has written in his book. The problem of immigration in this valley crossed all the limits after hte 1990 change. The Newars are only 1.2 milion but there are over 4 million people living in this city. They do not belong the this city and they have no reason to conserve it. So, obviously, they do not even think of keeping the beauty of it. We know that the city will only be deteriorated as long as those people are allowed to live here.

In short, those immigrants should not go back to their respective, beloved village and start doing something for those barren land, of develop the whole country. Development of Kathmandu does not mean development of Nepal. Nobody is late to do something good for this country.

Demand for Newar Autonomous Region is no more an illegal demand. The Interim Constitution has promised for this. Still, some old-minded Khas Bahuns are saying that it is not good, suitable for Nepal (that means for them). So, they area afraid of returning to their villages and working again in the field.

We would like to keep healthy relation with other ethnic groups and Khas Bahuns after establishment of the Neawar Autonomous Region. We want to honour their contribution and also to share resources with people from other states, to make a complete, beautiful, prosperous new Nepal.

Now, let's work together to keep this valley free of the debris, corrupt people and selfish mentality. We must fight against them to save this land. We are not anti-natinals separatists.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

On Kirati festival in Kathmandu

I was walking around Tundikhel yesterday, on Saturday. I was surprised to see thousands of Kiratis (Rais, Limbus, Sunars and others) were celebrating their cultural programme.

I honour cultural activities all all ethnic groups of this country. We must preserve them and also try to learn something from them.

Still, I have some comments. I would be more than happy to have opportunity to go to the area of Nepal where they are claiming to make Limbuwan to enjoy their dance. We all know they come to the street with knives and swords and make people admit that it is their land. I know, some of the Newars in Bhojpur were badly treated.

But what are are they doing here in Kathmandu? If they love their land so much they must be working in their state: cultivating, protecting, developing, working hard to make it the most beautiful state of Nepal. They are here only as immigrants and they will be treated so in the future as well. Making of a real Federal Republic of Democracy is possible only when we, all the people from different ethnic bacground honour one another with the basic principle of "live and let others live".

As a matter of fact, most of the intelligent, rich, able and young Kiratis are living in Kathmandu, doing all the things they should not do here.

Kathamndu welcomes all immigrants: it has been the tradition for last 2,000 years. And I believe that it will continue. Still, those people who want to make their state, should now go back to their state and work hard. And let Kathmandu live like another state of the Newars.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

After watching Prachanda's video

Prachanda came with all brazen face in the video tape that was released right after he filed his resignation. The country would have face much bigger unrest if the video was released during his tenure. Whoever did it, he did it very cleverly, it saved the country from another bloodbath.

Listening the whole speech is untolerable. I have picked some important points. Please read it carefully and understand what kind of people they are. We want peace, but not at the cost of democracy, sovereignity and identity of the state.

1. महत्वपूर्ण प्रयोगमा छौं ।
2. दस वर्ष लडेर अहिले फेरि शान्ति प्रक्रियामा पनि हामी लडिराखेकै छौ भिन्न ढंगले।
3. हाम्रो युद्धको तयारीमा क्रान्तिको तयारीको विकासका क्रममा रणनीतिक प्रत्याक्रमणमा छौ भनेका छौ हामी
4. हामीले युद्ध छाडेको पनि भनेका छैनौं।
5. आफ्नो भाषामा हाम्रो डकुमेन्टमा हामीले रणीपनतिक प्रत्याक्रमणकै चराणमा भएको उल्लेख गरेका छौ‌।
6. नयाँ कार्यनीतिद्वारा प्रत्याक्रमणको तयारी गरेका छौं त्यसैले रणनीतिक दृष्टिकोणले यहाँ केही भ्रम हनुपर्ने कारण छैन।
7. हाम्रो उद्धेश्य के छ भने प्रत्याक्रमण नौलो तरीकाबाट सफल पार्ने उद्धेश्य छ।
8. दीर्घकालीन जनयुद्धमा आम सशस्त्र विद्रोहको पनि फ्युजन गर्नुपर्छ नत्र जनयुद्ध सफल हुँदैन भनेर दोस्रो राष्ट्रिय सम्मेलनमा भनेका छौ
9. लामो शान्तिपुर्ण संघर्ष थोरै सशस्त्र विद्रोह त्यो हो सशस्त्र विद्रोहको रणनीति। लामो सशस्त्र विद्रोह छोटो शान्तिपूर्ण आन्दोलन यो हो दर्धिकालीन जनयुद्धको रणनीति।
10. हाम्रो पार्टीको नेतृत्वमा भएको हस्तक्षेपको कारणले १२ बुँदे सहमति भएको हो ।
11. त्यसैले नबुझीकन यो पार्टीको कहिले अग्ररुप देखिन्छ कहिले अत्यन्त दक्षिणपन्थी देखिन्छ तर सार हेर्ने हो भने जहिल पनि क्रान्तिलाई अगाडि बढाउनेछ।
12. देशभित्र अलि अगाडि हाम्रो ग्राफ अलिकति घट्न थालेको थियो त्यो अहिले बढेको छ । हेर्दै जानुहोला अब बढ्दै बढ्दै जान्छ हाम्रो ग्राफ ।
13. योजनामा हुन्छ क्रान्ति। रणनीतिमा हुन्छ क्रान्ति। कार्यनीतिमा हुन्छ क्रान्ति समग्र विश्लेषण र संश्लेषणमा हुन्छ क्रान्ति
14. त्यसैले हिजो मेसिन गन लिएर दुश्मनलाई मन मार्ने लडाई थियो रुपमा अहिले दुश्मनको अगाडि सँगै बसेर टेवलमा गफ गर्दै चिया खादै लडिएको छ। त्यसैले रुप हेर्दा धेरैफरक तर सार हेर्दा दुइटै एउटै हो।
15. मैले अहिले हेर्दाखेरी अब केही महिनामात्रै हो भन्ने देख्छु मैले। केही महिनपछि या त यता या त उता भइसक्छ।
16. अनी हामी किन उताबाट सोच्ने। हाम्रो नेतृत्वले वुद्धि पुर् याएर ७ हजारलाई २१ हजार त बनायो नियमित सेना । अब त सेना भइहाल्नुभयो तपाईंहरु त।
17. चुनावी प्रक्रिया आन्दोलनको प्रक्रिया जताबाट पनि पावर हाम्रो हातमा आयो भने ती सबै भेरिफाई भएका नभएका हाम्रो हातमा हुन्छ सबै। आउँदै आएन भने फेरि क्रान्तिमा जाने हुन्छ त्यो केही अर्थ हुँदैन।
18. समानुपातिकको प्रवल पहरेदार नेकपा माओवादी हो भन्ने कुरालाई दह्रोसँग ब्याजसहित असुल गरेर स्थापित गरायौं।
19. राहत अहिलेको लागि एक लाख भनेका छौं । एक लाख मात्र दिदा पनि हाम्रो परिवारलाई डेढ अवैदेखी दुई अर्व रुपैयाँ जान्छ । डेढ अवैदेखी दुई अर्व अहिले भर्खरै लगेर वाँडन पाइयो भने के हुन्छ होला ।
20. एकछिन मान्नुस अव त्यो २० करोडले तयारी गर् यो भने विद्रोहको कति तयारी हुन्छ किनभने हामीले हरेक योजनाको तयारी गर्दा पैसा पनि जोडिन्छ नि । टन्न छ भने राम्रो योजना हुन्छ । ुब्याटलप्लाने हुन्छ पैसा भएन भने ब्याटलप्लान गतिलो बन्दैन ।
21. चुनाव नगर्ने तयारी काग्रेसले गर्दैछ काग्रेसले गर्छ । हामीले अझ यो दुई÷तीन महिना संविधानसभा संविधानसभा भन्नुपर्छ । दायाँवायाँ हेर्नुहुँदैन ।
22. जनताको मन जितेर जनतालाई अव त माओवादी नै सही हो र यसको पछि लागे मात्र पार लगाउन सकिन्छ भनेर पारेपछि विद्रोह हुने हो।
23. चुनाव भएपछि सबै लडाई सकिन्छ भन्ने ठान्ने हो भने गल्ती हुन्छ । संविधानसभामा गएर फेरी लडाई पर्ने वाला छ। हामी माथि परेपछि त माथि परियो नि । माथि परेपछि त लगेको लग्यै पारिन्छ। जताबाट हेर्दा पनि यो कार्यनीति भनेको विद्रोहको कार्यनीति हो।
24. त्यसकारण त्यहाँ त हामीले जितिसक्यौं संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र संविधानमा लेखाउने काम त माओवादीले गर् यो नि। त्यसबकारण हामीले जित ठान्नुपर्छ। ...पुरै त कहाँ जितिएको छ त पुरै जित्न त बाँकी नै छ नि । पुरै जितको तयारी न हो। यसरी हेर्दा चािहं हामी कुनै सम्झौतामा होइन विद्रोहकै कार्यनीतिमा अघि बढेका छौं ।
25. तपाईहरुले सबैतिर हेर्नुभयो भने संविधानसभा नै हुँदैन ।
26. हामीले वामगणतन्त्रवादी र राष्ट्रवादीको तालमेल भनेका छौं । यो राष्ट्रवादी त्यसै भनेको होइन त्यो बुझेर भनेको हो । त्यहाँभित्रको सेना त्यहाँभित्रको नोकरशाहलाई त्यहाँभित्रका हिजो पछि लाग्नेहरुलाई समेटन खोजेको हो ।
27. हाम्रो १० हजार त्यहाँ पस्ने हो भने र अझ हामी माथि परेको बेलामा समायोजन गर्ने हो भने त्यो पुरै सेना माओवादीमय हुन्छ । त्यो कुरा मलाई चाहिँ विश्वास छ ।
28. हामी पहिला सत्ता कब्जा गर्छौं अनि मात्र सेनाको समायोजन हुन्छ । सबै उनीहरुलाई फाल्दैनौं तरिकाले फाल्छौं । हाम्रो नेतृत्वमा सेना हुन्छ ।...उनीहरुलाई चाही राजनीतिकरण गर्नु छ । लोकतान्त्रीकरण भनिएको छ नी त्यो भनेको राजनीतिकरण भनेको हो ।
29. तर धेरै दिन तिनीहरुको सत्ता रहनेवाला छैन । तपाईहरु नआत्तिनु होला । संविधानसभा नहुदासँग ढुक्कसँग लडिरहन पाईन्छ आफ्नो ढंगले ।
30. त्यसेले अहिले हामीले जे गरेका छौ क्रान्ति वचाउन गरेका छौ ।
31. हाम्रो पार्टी कुनै पनि हालतमा क्रान्तिवाट विचलित हुने पार्टी होईन। अनेक गरेर क्रान्तिलाई अगाडी वडाउने पार्टी हो । यसको विचार संस्कार तपाई हाम्रो रगत नशामा क्रान्ति वाहेक केही पनि छैन । दाय गएपनि वाया गएपनि हामी क्रान्तिकै लागि जान्छौ । अघिवढेपनि पछिहटेपनि हामी क्रान्तिकै लागि गछौ ।

What was more shameless was Dinanath's clarification and "nakacharo" Prachanda's press conference. No document in the history can be irrelevant. There could be some good thing the Maoists did during the election but it does not mean that we can overlook how the "commanders" were trained in for the election. What we see after the election was the result of the training of Prachanda. In the whole speech, he never said anything good for the people - did he remember that he was suppsed to be a candidate and supposed to promising something for his voters too?

And how did the NC and UML leaders presented themselves after the broadcast of the video? We have a nice saying in Nepali :"Arkako arkai dhanda, gharjwain ko khane dhanda". Those leaders, who were knocked down in the CA election were claiming to form new government. Shame! Do you want to see Prakash Sharan Mahat or Madhav Kumar Nepal as ministers again? (oh, I forgot, we have tolerated Bamdev Gautam and was almost sure to welcome Sujata Koirala).

Now, the civil society should come to the front and ask not only the President but also Prachanda as well as NC and UML leader what their role could be in nurturing the "shishu ganatantra". It is your turn now. Just do it!

Jendra Man Nepali

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Maoists cannot give us?

Maoists have proved once again that they can only remain "Maoists" and can never act as people in the government, by sacking unconstitutionally the Chief of Army Staff Rookmangad Katwal.

They can sack the mastermind of royal coup, whom they adored for two and half years. But let me list what the Maost government cannot do:
1. They cannot give us water to drink
2. they cannot give us electricity
3. They cannot give us food (at reasonable price)
4. they cannot give us security
5. They cannot give us regulary running schools
6. They canot give textbooks for our children
7. They cannot punish a single criminal who is affiliated with their party
9. They cannot create an environment to invest and launch an industry/business
10. They cannot give us a sense that we are living in a country where democracy prevails

Do, you have anything more to add?

Jenra Man